This is YOUR Moment

Time to live your life.

Delles Simon 📚
Writers’ Blokke


Image by kindelmedia from Pexels

Yesterday, I had a two-hour chat with a dear friend of mine. We talked about everything under the sun and I learned more about his mindset. You know you have a friend when they share the same mindset as you and this is when you lose track of time on the phone.

We talked about our ambitions, wanting to provide for our families, working to see our dreams become reality, and about how NOW was the best time to go for it.

I have been pondering this conversation. I slept on it. I woke up on it. Lol.

Some of the key things we talked about that kept playing in my head like a broken cassette were:

  • We are both currently trading time for money. And the long-term game is to have your money earning full time for you.
  • Anything worthwhile is going to take commitment and effort. Lots of it!
  • Cryptocurrency is a topic that you may want to learn more about. It is still so brand new.
  • Creating positive memories and a legacy for our family are A+ goals to have.

Besides this conversation, I took a deeper look into my life and how I focus sooo much on business and finances. I don’t know why I am so crazed.

Survival. A bit of greed. Ambition. Desire. Opportunity. Chance of Freedom.

I am fascinated with the science of creating something that other people want to pay for. I believe money is the hardest worker if you know how to use it.

Working as an employee is nearly a daily reminder that I am not truly cut out to be a long-term employee.

This job is a stepping stone until I build my financial foundation strong enough with additional income streams. Until then, I will give my best effort and remarks on this job because I am grateful for it.

My friend said it’s good to treat your job like a business partner and I agree. That perspective is empowering because you never want to let your business partner down… even if YOU are your business partner. Brilliant!

I am shifting a portion of my mental resources and time to my bucket list.

I have a few smaller items such as watching TV shows and finishing certain video games (childhood nostalgia) before I start attacking some of the bigger goals like revisiting Colorado and California.

The last 2 quarters have been all study and work for me, with a little bit of pleasure but if I found out tomorrow that I only had two weeks left to live then I would be sour.

I wouldn’t be angry but maybe a little sad that I spent the last few months of my life not really soaking up life to the best of my ability.

Yeah, I worked.

Yeah, I saved some and invested some.

But I hardly did anything fun.

I think the bucket list is really going to help me in being definite in creating the experiences I want to enjoy in life. Because when all is said and done, the memories and relationships with those you cherish are what you will have.

This is your moment to create them.

The average human spends roughly 79 years or 28,835 days on Earth. So, there are an average of 692,040 hours in a lifetime.

Be intentional with your time. Let me know what you think with a response! Thanks for reading.

