This Is A Good Kind of Contagious

Here’s an excellent marketing book about making your ideas catch on.

Delles Simon đź“š
5 min readJul 20, 2021
Image by seteph from Unsplash

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One of the most insightful books on viral marketing is Contagious by Jonah Berger.

Okay, you have an idea. And you’ve tested it. Now it's time to spread it.

Made me think more deeply about triggers and routines. The day of my customers what they experienced, their frustrations. What habits and routines are deeply engraved and how I can work my stuff in without necessarily changing or trying to create a new habit when something is already in stone for them.

Coming from a unique angle. With the goal of making people excited to be a part of what you’re offering your movement.

Is marketing really needed?

Contagious reveals the secret science behind word-of-mouth and social transmission. Discover how six basic principles drive all sorts of things to become popular.

From consumer products and policy initiatives to B2B services and ideas and initiatives within organizations.

My issue making offers

People are lazy. I do not want to agree with this but just to understand. We want it easier than hard. We want things simplified and we want instant gratification. And many of us set many goals that we do not hit. The natural pull in life is to be average.

People are not making the daily outbound activity on the front end

Or maybe not completing projects fast enough to support a bigger load.

I wanted my products and services to be more contagious. Here are 5 things to get from the book:

1. Getting Your Peeps to Naturally Tell the story of your Movement

To your prospects

Consider the entire user experience of your clients. Amazon says one of the primary reasons that are successful is the obsession over customer experience. Apple also put millions of dollars and time into making the experience seamless for their customers.

People are happy to talk about companies and products they like, and millions of people do it for free every day, without prompting.

But as soon as you offer to pay people to refer other customers, any interest they had in doing it for free will disappear. Your mindset and expectations. Their entire user experience.

Leveraging good stories that are useful, engaging, and that drive value will help you and your product, idea, cause increase social influence and word-of-mouth transmission and propel it to be the next big thing.

I enjoyed this book because he discusses why certain ideas get shared and the topic of virality.

It provides a set of specific, actionable techniques for helping information spread — for designing messages, advertisements, and information that people will share.

This book gives you a high because you think with science your shut still gonna take off but it takes action consistently hie long before it took other people to catch on stat.

Staying motivated while applying this book should give you some ideas.

2. People Think in Terms of Narratives

not facts and information.

You want your product to become an integral part of the stories that people share with their friends and family.

Using scarcity and exclusivity early on and then relaxing the restrictions later is a particularly good way to build demand.

It provides a highly entertaining and informative overview of why things go viral.

3. People Tend to Over-Estimate the Level of Online Virality

A study by the Keller Fay Group found that only 7% of word-of-mouth happens online; most social influence actually happens offline over daily activities like a dinner conversation. Reaching masses of people online isn’t as important as ensuring the content is viral in the first place.

Word-of-mouth is more effective than traditional advertising because:
• It is more persuasive since we tend to share both the pros and cons of a product or service candidly, making our recommendations more objective and believable.
• It is more targeted since we only share information and stories with people whom we think would be interested in them.

Using things like scarcity and exclusivity to boost word of mouth. Creating something where people can feel like insiders. If people get something not everyone else has, it makes them feel special, unique, high status.

Underneath the exaggerated details and heroes, there is usually something else being conveyed. Stories carry things: a lesson or moral. Information or a take-home message.

5. Apply the STEPPS

Social currency: It is all about people talking about things to make themselves look good, rather than bad

Triggers, which is all about the idea of “top of mind, the tip of the tongue.” We talk about things that are on the top of our heads.

Ease for emotion: When we care, we share. The more we care about a piece of information or the more we’re feeling physiologically aroused, the more likely we pass something on.

Public: When we can see other people doing something, we’re more likely to imitate it.

Practical value: Basically, it’s the idea of news you can use. We share information to help others, to make them better off.

Stories, or how we share things that are often wrapped up in stories or narratives.

This blog post is very insightful too for further STEPPS reading.

This book works great in combination with The Irresistible Offer by Mark Joyner.

Getting your work to be shared naturally and how do we do this?

Thinking about why we share stuff to feel good.

Creating stuff that’s easier to share not getting discouraged if it doesn’t take off immediately.

Not getting emotional but analytical and deciding what went wrong or what can I improve. Because marketing is a game of evolution, education, and testing. Can only get better from practice.

Whether you are a manager at a big company, a small business owner trying to boost awareness, or a brand builder trying to get the word out, this book will show you how to make anything more contagious. Thanks for reading this, please let me know what you think.


Link the other article

But it does take time because not everyone’s natural inclination is to be your salesman

