Live a Little, Actually Live a Lot

Are you living or existing? Let’s work on “Living” together.

Delles Simon đź“š
3 min readJul 15, 2022
Image by olly from Pexels

Lately I’ve been hearing the same message but from different people that I trust and love. When are you going to start living?

When are you going to take a chill break and put work aside so you can enjoy some of the beautiful things life has to offer?

Great questions that I never have an immediate answer for…

I’ve come to grips with the fact that I love to work. Outside of my job, work has true meaning. At my job, work has true meaning too but being an entrepreneur is my calling. I’ve tried too many times to deny it but I just end up back here.

Sometimes I forget that work is one of our greatest gifts. To be able to use your unique talents to solve problems and make things better is something to be grateful for.

But let’s not forget that our time on this planet is not forever. We each have a certain amount of life left to live and to waste it would be a tragedy. However you won’t know if you are wasting time if you don’t know WHAT YOU REALLY WANT OUT OF LIFE.

It is fair to say that I don’t really know all that I want but I have a list of things that I don’t want and I feel like that’s a better start than nothing. I also have a bucket list which is (in my eyes) not a wishlist but a to-do list.

Back to the topic at hand…

When are you going to start enjoying this blessing we call life?

“You can’t just keep working, working, working. Is business all you ever talk about?”

Short answer is mostly yes.

Because business is enjoyable to me. Working on my craft and growing my business endeavors truly lights me up. I feel like I have more purpose when my hands are dirty and I’m using my brain and skills to SOLVE PROBLEMS for myself and others.


I’m obsessed over business, I can’t shake it.

This is who I am. As an entrepreneur, the successful and profitable execution of my business models are my route to more beautiful things in life.

But don’t be like me. Don’t get blinded by the work so much that you forget about life happening NOW. Maybe you can’t take a vacation today, but you can visit a park you’ve never been to or walk around your neighborhood (a different route or at a different time) just to experience something new and refreshing.

There is beauty all around us. You may miss it if you’re a workaholic like me.

I’m changing.

Life is here and tomorrow is not promised. It’s time for us to LIVE like we know this. Enjoy your life.

Things will always be challenging as long as we are breathing. Prices are going up and people are working longer. It just means you will need to be more creative with your time and resources to HAVE MORE FUN.

It’s worth the effort. Please join me in enjoying this life as best as we can.

Let me know what you think with a Response!

I’m writing to you from a resort in San Diego a few minutes from the beach:

San Diego Beach Photo #1, Taken by Me
San Diego Beach Photo #2, Taken by Me

Your friend,


