Email Marketing Funnel System

Written as step-by-step instructions to what I believe is a cash machine

Delles Simon 📚
7 min readJun 14, 2022
  • ***This post is still being updated so please bear with me.****

How to create your email marketing funnel (cash) system:

You will need TIME and likely some MONEY to invest to make this happen. If you don’t have money, you will need CREATIVITY. The work will be hard and challenging but the reward will be a working system that can operate while you do other things.

Picture from Polar Bears International

The reason everyone does not have this is because of how much time and energy it takes and patience. Also, it may require delegation, time management, and project management. Plus motivation to get through to the finish. Not like climbing Mount Everest but certainly not a walk in the park. Also depends on how long you want to take or if you want to take your time instead.

Tools and models make it easier but there is still work to customize the solution and test it for your brand/your use.

It's easy to feel good about all this work being done, let's take a few examples. List of steps as follows:

I wish I could say something like 30 steps, estimated 200 working hours.

  1. Identify who your Target customer is (pick a target group that is known to “do well” / have discretionary income to spend on what you will be offering)— who exactly do you want to help, demographics, and psychographics. in an expanding/growing niche
  2. Perform analysis to identify the painful problems your target customer is facing - health, wealth, relationships. write them down in a list fashion and possibly you can rank them by most pain or most expensive to solve.
  3. Think about the Desired state(s) your target customer is shooting for. They have these problems and they want to handle them. Sometimes they don’t know-how. Sometimes they do know how but they just need some help.
  4. Create a working solution to one (or more) but for simplistic sake, just one of their painful problems, and then realize how your solution brings about the desired state. Write how your solution takes someone from their painful state to their desired state of pleasure. This will be used for marketing and selling.
  5. Create your Business model, and study other business models. business model canvas as well as another exercise
  6. Freebie that gives a peek into the working solution. Or you can give smaller working solutions in the freebie. Know like and trust. Building trust with your prospect by showing them that you do understand what pain(s) their feeling, how they want to move towards the desired state, and how you have discovered the path to get there and you will lead them through it. It depends on what work you do but sometimes you can walk for them (bigger fee) and other times they will have to walk for themselves (smaller fee).
  7. Funnel — software is a website that has the purpose of converting visitors into members on an email list. Find models in your niche to copy their funnels, they are everywhere. Or check out the Meera book which has some great content in my opinion. I also am a fan of Russell Brunson.
  8. Email list — something you control. a list of all your contacts which you can contact at any time as long as they are still subscribed to your list. you have the power.
  9. Testing (also an operation) — all through the development phase as well as the delivery phase and you should test receiving each email in your sequence. also if your messages go to spam or promotions is something to be tested
  10. The path of a cold to warm through email. designing that outline beforehand
  11. What to say for 365 days — list of content ideas
  12. Gary vee 1 year — the idea of the first year just delivers tons of value and be consistent. your audience will come to expect your level of quality and commitment. for the 1st year do not try to sell but instead build a level of credibility and trust with your audience and give them overwhelming amounts of value lol.
  13. Know like trust — will be needed to keep people on board, nice if done with videos. and these are videos on separate pages of the funnel.
  14. Segmentation — designing your message based on feedback from your audience so their message becomes more targeted and personal
  15. And if people are still on, What to sell… problem analysis, health, wealth, relationships. People are seeking a better state than what they are in, chasing pleasure and running away from pain.
  16. Case studies become your trophy case and help to convince people that you can really help them and that you have a proven track record of helping people with similar challenges to get to the desired state they are looking for.
  17. High ticket offers then reverse develop the smaller offerings starting from birds-eye view. High ticket offers will give you a higher probability of remaining in business.
  18. Growing your list. What are the daily actions you can take to increase traffic to your funnel? What about increasing conversion?
  19. Affiliate plan — best affiliate programs around for your niche. will you promote products you purchase and have tried yourself or will you promote everything?
  20. Sponsorship plan — how will you contact potential sponsors and follow up with them to close business?
  21. Time frame to build your brand after everything is working. deadlines and having milestones on a calendar like a Gantt chart, anything visual
  22. Produce daily with spreadsheet LZ 170, even consider using a tool like Clockify to track your time. That is what we do in jobs where we are to be productive for a period of time. Take this project seriously and calculate how much time it takes you or your team for each step so that when you complete this massive project you will have the knowledge and data on how to do it again.
  23. Running advertisements — Google ads may be best to watch a few courses and to understand what the most competitive/expensive keywords are to avoid those. if possible.
  24. Creating every day, marketing everyday production spreadsheet. driving traffic to your funnel
  25. You may feel like you can leave the job but you cannot leave the structure and management
  26. Interruption marketing vs permission marketing. people would rather not be interrupted but it still works and some people would rather be interrupted from an advertising perspective if you have what they are looking for.


Improving your funnels — looking at your competitors to see what they are doing and what is working. upgrading the quality and effectiveness of the videos in your funnel.

further segmentation


Writer / Course maker — an email list, funnel, and email campaign that moves your prospects from cold to warm to purchase your high ticket offers and your subsequent lower ticket offers

Beauty professional — nice videos that demonstrate what you do for other people and how you solve your problems, case studies. a funnel to book software. an email list would be helpful too but the first level would be nice videos (or just videos that help people trust you and show them how you solve their problem) then have a funnel so you can start driving traffic.

Marketer — use sites like medium and quora and answer the painful questions that your target customers are asking

Musician — target audience exactly, how does what you offer to lead your audience to their desired state, what are the highest ticket services or products you can offer? all social media platforms lead to a funnel that offers a freebie and collects email addresses. You will likely get paid more from your own high ticket and low ticket offerings, not streams.

personal trainer


restaurant owner

drone operator


tax professional


corporate america businesses

I’m going through a transitional phase so I don’t know if I can call myself a marketer. There are many things about marketing that I still enjoy but I don’t know if I would say marketing coach anymore. I think I will assume the title of

what do my people need? / want to learn about?

Honorable Mention

Dig your well

7 levels

Scale because you can create a new funnel and a new list system once you understand how to create and automate it once. orf course you will alwasyu need to keep getting better


Start with the affluent customer and their problems if u can. I was raised to serve everyone at every level especially those at my level and below but in business my income bracket doesn’t tend to have much discretionary income for purchases or we are stingy or we have money problems. Best to pick a customer that you know (from research and analysis) will have the money to pay for your big-ticket items once you develop them.

what if u could just pay someone n use your picture like hugo

importance of video in today's worked on pages of funnel

the hard parts:

